Often confused with parcels and packages that are shipped on a day-to-day basis, protective box packaging is mainly used to shield mailed items from any wear and tear. It is no surprise that transportation makes packages and parcels prone to physical damage, owing to jerks and rough handling, among other things. However, with the help of technology and innovations, protective packaging comes as a boon to the packaging industry, by securing the contents of a package till their final point of destination.
Be it case-erector machines, strapping machines, carton-sealing machines or stretch-wrapping
machines, among other packaging types, packaging must be done in a way that there is a
greater emphasis on quality and efficiency, rather than just on the quality and the contents of
the package.
Here are some of the most common protective packaging types that cover a wide variety of
packaging requirements:
- Foam Packaging
Foam packaging is an important element of protective packaging that is made from Expanded
Polystyrene (EPS). It provides an effective and recyclable solution that prevents the product
from any external damage. A custom foam solution that fits products of any given shape and
size, foam packaging lends full coverage to the given products, to ensure they don’t shift
during the process of shipment.
2. Bubble Wrap
A pliable and transparent plastic solution that is mainly used to pack fragile items, bubble
wrap or bubble packaging is a cost-effective packaging solution that lends a cushioning effect
to the packaging, making it one of the more superior options in the protective packaging
market. A bubble wrap is stored and shipped flat, and it is only inflated once the package
must be sent to the end user. A bubble wrap is usually a rectangular sheet that is also
available in a rolled form.

3. Padded Divider Sets
Padded divider sets come as boxes that help with organizing shipped goods. Owing to their
overall padded surface, these sets offer optimal protection to goods, especially smaller ones,
when mailing out incompatible items that are placed together in a box for shipment. Not only
are padded divider sets a valuable option, but they also help compartmentalize two different
types of products, while saving your cost.
4. Packing Paper
A packing paper is significantly different from regular writing paper. While writing
paper is lightweight and basic, packing paper is more dense and sturdy in terms of layering,
and it enables a seamless and protective journey of transportation. Packing paper mainly
comes in two types: butcher and kraft. Packing paper is a fine option for protecting items
like dishes, glass, and art supplies, among other things. Whether a product is getting shipped
to a customer or you’re packing moving boxes, protective box packaging is beneficial to keep the products safe and secure.
5. Packing Peanuts
Made of Styrofoam, foam peanuts or loose-fill materials are one of the most common types
of protective packaging and shipping materials. These packaging elements pack a cushioning
effect and are able to withstand great impacts without damaging or causing harm to the
product. Packing peanuts are largely used to fill voids in packages, so using them to pack
narrow items that can move quickly is generally avoided.